Sunday, January 31, 2016

Story time with Steve

                                                       Story time with Steve

The funner part to read is # with a 2 just go down a bit and you'll see it. If you don't want to read why I'm taking so long with putting up my opening page to Darkness in Light. My home brew game.
                                                                         (part #1)
 So here is the thing I have a word program for editing and writing and all that bullshit that one would need for blogs,books short stories, poems all your writer needs. But blogger has this built in writing program AND it's shitty... In fact I'm going to see if I can post from my writing program directly to blogger. I don't think I can, but hell shit damn, I can only try. The blogger writing program makes all my blogging post I write in it look bad. When I copy and paste them on to here.

 Forcing me to write in it live instead of doing it properly,taking my time editing it, spell checking it, then grammar, make sure all the sentences are cohesive, paragraph form is easy to read. I spend at least a day or two doing my own editing guys.

Then last but not least, the body of the peace is all cohesive, my thoughts are steaming and fluid. Copying and pasting fucks up the paragraphs the body and the spacing!!! How am I supposed to put out a post if it looks like shit.

See guys and GIRLs I don't want to be made fun of, or look even more retarded then I am. I have zero help with it and I'm a bad speller and have half decent grammar.I don't know what I'm doing. AND it's super hard and that program makes it all the much easier on me. :(  And if just one person reads this and actually some how liked it for what ever reason and may want to read it again, well.... I want to do a good job for them. (if that person existed)
                                  (Well I'm working on it........ in the mean time, HERE!)
                                                                        (part #2)
 I'm going to some how get the opening page to MY game (Darkness in Light) up and make it look right and not like shit. But before I finish this post. I going to talk about my character a little bit from Changeling the Dreaming.

                       Sirhan my character (not yet approved) in Changeling the Dreaming .

So my characters name is Sirhan, he's a gang banger(member of gang). He's a thief, he lived all his life on the streets. He ran away from a good home never understood who he is or was that he is a Changeling. I'm shaping a lot of the character out of what stats, abilities and attributes. And so fare OH MAN!! It's good soup! He is middle eastern and lived, and lives a very ruff life and lifestyle, he is street wise, but his gifts have directed him all his life. As he would say he uses his intuition a lot it's never led him wrong.

I marked him after Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader but he'll die before he becomes "Darth". Balancing him as a evil/ crazy person. So part of him struggles with it and he for the first time in life earns and has a mentor. Is guided and not has  His gang thinks he'slosing his mind he thinks he's losing his mind. Being a Changeling is fun and great but the people around him in the Gray world think he's slowly losing his mind.

 He starts to get away from gang life and slowly move away from his lifestyle. His gang it's happy with that idea. A lot starts to happen things become a struggle and he's himself isn't really sure what's going on or who he is anymore. People, friends and loved ones think he's losing it. Death will be his only means when I iz done with him!!

Yeah you read it right, he gets approved........ he dies!!! He is being made to die, once he reaches his point it's the ax for real...! I can't wait to get it finished and get this going I should be working on it now but I need to blog. Get some plans together for next week. Hopefully I can get more reading time in on the core rule(s) book in but.... I HATE reading it so long and boring and I hate rules...

But I linger, not tending to my blog and I like doing this it's fun. Working on getting that opening page here in a little wile.
                                                      Thanks for READING!!

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