Monday, February 1, 2016

Story time with Steve

                                                          Story time with Steve
                                                                     FUN BLOGS
So here a thing I figured 59 people looking at this blog mean one person maybe read it... COOL, I'm sorry to that person, I can't give you back the time in your life that you spent reading this.

So I want to say I LOVE NERDS AND GEEKS and here's why MY LOVELY READS... They gave me all my favorite things.

#1) Video Games, my true life's love next to money and I love money. I love money a lot. But right after money is video games ( I have no kids, but if I did. I name them $50, $100, and if I had a daughter  Alexia from Alundra 2 my second favorite game of all time. Games aren't a hobby for me or something I do to pass the fucking time here to there. Fuck that games and gaming make my life better and I'm able to deal with bullshit and the shit of people. Games for me is what maybe drugs are for other people?.... But I just don't escape from reality.
"Oh I must get away from this world of sadness and depression... baby die in the world that's why I do what I do. This worlds so fucked up you have no clue Steve man."
 " You're lucky you're not me I get so much stuff in this world. Babies die man, there dead... You know?"
                                                                  (end scene)

(I just think to myself the're aren't enough gra-nads (that's french for grenades) in the world for me to stuff in your mouth... and have you pull the pin so I can watch.)

Because to me a video game isn't stress release or my bullshit way of being someone who hates reality NO my LOVELY READS no. It's about going to a world and meeting the crazy character that live in that world. See what their life is like and how people look and interact with them. Their story unfolds and how it may turn out? Video games for me are about the world and  EXP (pun intended) the hero winning the day. A fun story fantasy or sifi will do. Video games are to me like books and comics they'll rot your brains.... LMAO  :)

#2) Now I love cartoons, be it Adult Swim, Saturday morning cartoons (R.I.P. my nigga) So anime the mostly the era when it was know as Japanime it was a good time. Vampire Hunter D,  E.Y.E.S. of Mars, Akira, Ghost in a Shell !! But back then we had to hunt and go threw the Video store yeah Video store no Netflix or Hulu or some bullshit and we flipped out when the Anime section had a new movie. The hard core guys would be like sub or dubbed ? I would just want to see the one with cartoon boobies because my Mom &Dad didn't know anime had naked girls in in... :) But that's always been a real fun thing for me I love a good movie anime allows you to see things you've never seen in a like in a live action movie. Matrix comes close but Ghost in a Shell is what counts.

#3) Comic/ Graphic Novels:
I am more of a graphic novel readers I like it all in one bite enjoy the whole thing meals not snacks. But also I'm busy when I'm busy and when I relax I want the whole thing submerge in a good comic. Buffy the Vampire Slayer I lost a lot of my comics because of my family after my Mom past away. I had all the cough up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer in my opinion very excellent comic. V for Vendetta, Batman Return of the Dark Knight, The Long Halloween, The Red Glove, Ed the Happy Clown,Watchman, Neil Gaiman: The Sandman... ;) (ahem),1602, Steven Kings Dark Tower great read!!
I can't go anymore with out looking like I'm a poser... so you know I'm not a nerd or a geek, I wish I was... this journey is about me explore what that means. To others. And why it's something I can't be a part of.

#4) BOOKS!!  The O.G. nerd life!! YES SIR! Herman Melville,Neil Gaiman,Steven King, Wil Wheaton ( yeah I like his work I'm allowed not a geek or a nerd. YEAH...)

There more for me to write but, I've been listen to Just A Geek by Wil Wheaton. It's really good. Please if you've read this go to this link and listen to it.
                         :) I almost forgot.

                                                          :)  Thank for Reading

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