Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Story time with Steve Presents : World War Fiebic

                                                               A story by Steve Ristich.

                            MY LOVELY READERS!!!
So World War Fiebic isn't kind of way crazy and different then a lot of stuff I do. It's based on something I came up with years ago. It's will be slow but please stick with it!!!  It's a great story and when it gets charged and in place I hope you guys live Fiebic as much as I do. Please think Sifi horror anime/monga/ comics when you read this. Gory and insane!! Please like it for what it is!!

AND Thanks for Reading............................

                 W.W.F. part 2
                                                               There's got to be a morning after......?

Bill wakes up to a strange noise coming from outside. He gets up and see Abel sound asleep. Bill walks over to the window where his truck is. He see something just not sure what. He grabs his blackjack. And makes his way to the door. As he grips and slowly opens the door not to alert the person in his truck.

Bill slowly move out of the door and creeps inching to his truck he see right away it's a bum or homeless thief. He does a twirl move with  the his blackjack. "HEY YOU!!" "WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" Bill moves to and in one single motion grab the homeless bum, ripping him out of the car. "HEY MOTHER FUCKER!!" The bum screams.

"Whats's YOUR problem, asshole.." Bill process shove him up against the truck. "PLEASE MAN PLEASE!" Bill snaps his wrist. "Oh GOD!!!" Bill drops him and he falls straight to the ground. "Go and don't come back.." "If I see you. I will fucking kill you." The bum get up and stumbles with his one good hand left he pulls a knife screams and runs to Bill.

Bill grabs his hand and takes the knife from him. Kicks him back and he falls to the ground. The man looks up at Bill. Bill tosses him the knife back and say. "here try it again maybe this time You'll get it right. The man stands up or as best of a stand he can muster. Grabs the knife and tries again. Bill Punches him as he tries to come near him. "Easy isn't?" Bill smiles. "Get the fuck on."

"Your a peace of shit." "Fuck you bitch !!" Bill looks at him and he can see he basically retarded. "What's your name boy?" asks Bill. "My names Seevers, Micheal Seevers. Why?" "Get up and go or I'll kill you now." Bill says are he clinches his blackjack in his hand. Seevers gets up and throws something at Bill. He makes it about 10 feet then Bill throws the knife he is holding in his hand.

 Puts it right in Seevers back. H screams a scream unlike any Bill has herd before. Like crying and screaming mix together and out of breath."YOU PEACE OF SHIT, YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" Says Seevers.  Bill at this point realizes what ever this retarded man threw at him is burning his flesh. "You threw my own flash powder at me..." Bill hunches over on top of Seevers.

 Bill is enraged now as he can ever be. "What you gonna do cry about it you , You baby bitch." Seever laughs at, Bill but he pays no attention.  Bill; "You just don't know when to shut the fuck up but I know how to keeps you busy." Bill shove his middle finger in Seevers left eye socket. Ripping Seevers eye out of socket. Seevers cries out, in a scream of crying and pain.

 Just then a Bill is stopped by a gun shot catching him off guard. He looks up to see a man naked as it gets. About twenty feet away from him with a shot gun. Bill completely focused on the shot gun not seeing he isn't wearing anything. Bill: "Mr. I don't know what it is you plan on doing with that, but I can tell you I'm the victim here. The man looks at Bill with anger and rage. But Bill know this man.

Aren't you the man at the desk? Asked Bill "Yeah that me." Says the man. "You're Dan?" "Yes I am sir, Yes I am." "Mr. Dan this man was...." Dan interrupts Bill sentence.

I know what he was doing Mr. Fiebic, I have cameras, never been  able to catch him. He's a peace of shit bandit. He's been robbing my patrons, and I fix on fixin it. Mr. Fiebic is your arm okay Sir?" For the moment yeah. Said Bill. Dan: "Okay get him out back and tie him up, I'll get a rope, something for you arm, and some underwear on. Cause my cock and balls are freezing out here!"

And Bill for the first ever does just as a man has asked him, no question asked. But then again who could argue with a man who would want a bandit so bad that he would run out with no close on. Even Bill would put on some underpants. "Right Mr. Dan." Seevers pissed and shit him self by now. From fear and pain. "Well thank you Sir, I'll meet you out back where the trash packer is."Dan points to the back of the building. "I'll be back there before you are."  Bill just nods his head.

Fuck ... you retard you piss and shit yourself. "If you don't let me go, I'm a bad person I'll hurt you!" Bill turns Seevers over on his stomach and grabs his arms. Retaining him and gets him up Seever still mouthing off. Bill shoves his finger into Seever's eye socket. Making him puke from the pain. Bill drops him not wanting to be puked on Seever thinking he has a chance to run wile he's puking. Bill grabs his leg. Pulling down into his puke. OH FUCK!.. Well come one bad ass.

 As promised Dan was waiting in the back with the rope and white under pants on. "If I knew you were going to tak ethat long I'd put some pants on. Bill laughing as he throws Seevers to the ground. Seevers begging for his life. "Look you should have thought f that before you robbed him and all my patrons!" Dan became so heated that Bill went into calming him. "Dan don't get to heated he's not worth it." "UM... SIR! , He burned you, robbed my patrons, robbed me He's got it coming he's been doing it for years not. Dan tosses Bill a something for his arm.

This will do, thanks Dan. It's a med shot for pain and to keep from being infected it wont help the burn but it will. help with something. Bill injects himself with the shot. Seevers on the ground Dan ties him up and pick him up. Seevers, You looking like a fagget. Dan cracks Seevers with a pip. Knocking him down not enough to hurt him just make him feel it. Bill grab him and help me."

Bill and Dan grab Seevers and they throw him in the trash compactor. Dan closes the door and locks it. LET ME OUT YOU PEACE OF SHIT! YOU FAGGET! Bill and Dan hear nothing but muffles. What did you say something SIR? Dan he's a total fat bitch!! Yeah he is !! Dan laughing as hard as he can at this point. I've been waiting years to this. Inside the compactor Seevers losing his mind. Trying to get out and stop what's about to happen. I have something you want!! Bill: What did he say? Dan looks at Bill "Huh?" Bill: "He said something like I have something you want."

Fuck him! Dan pushes the button on the compactor. All you can hear are screams. And bone crunching under the screams become gurgled. "Man that's awesome !! Said Bill he continues, So.... you know who I really am. And what do you want?  Dan looks at him. I don't want shit, I was  Marine, I know what kind of bullshit this "Government" is and these fucks can do. But what the hell is Metallica? Bill looks at Dan oddly and surprised. HUH? The tattoo sir? , Metallica?" Bill now realizing what he's talking about. "Oh they're this bad ass local metal band. Really good."

Have you heard of metal music? Dan: "HELL YEAH I LOVE METAL MUSIC !! Bill Looks at Dan and says. Oh man you'll love these guys, I'll let you copy my tape. Dan: Cool thanks man. I'm going inside But bring it upfront... You guys checking out today? Bill: Yeah, I have to go to the closet city there is. Dan looked at him and says, Good luck Sir. But you're welcome to come back. I'll keep you a place here. I don't believe the shit they say about you.

Dan and Bill go back to grab Bill's Metallica tape. Enjoy the tape. Dan looks at Bill and asks."Bill aren't you a professor of some kind or something? Yeah I was Dan I was a science Professor and engineer for weapons, medical all kind of shit. Can I ask you one last question Bill? Sure Dan you're fucking cool.? I know I am cool Sir, How old are you? If I had a Nickel for every time someone asked me.

I'm 176, and very tired, cranky and pissed off old man.. YEAH YOU ARE!! It's getting warm I'm going to head inside to ladies. I better get going I have 2 day drive a head of me. I'll be back and we can grab a drink and listen to Metallica. Sounds good. Says Dan. Bill walks back to the room. Once inside he cleans up and nudges Abel's bed. Hey Abel we have to get to the city man get up bro.

Oh fuck that Bill!! , You go! I'm sleepin! Abel you going to sleep for two days Hell fuck yes I am Bill , Leave me five thousand credits go do your shit and come back man... What the fuck Abel five thousand credits, What you going to do? WELL BILL, I'm going to get some sluts, food,drink, party a little bit, get some games in and get my head right. I'm going to trip the fucking light fan-fucking-tas-ic !!

What you going to do Bill? ........... Bill looks at Abel and says here's fifteen thousand.Some guy tried to brake into the truck, the front desk guy helped me kill him... and he used my last flash powder on my arm. The desk guys super cool and I borrowed him my Metallica tape. He knew who I was. And how do you know he's going to call someone on us Bill? Because he done it by now Abel."

I'll be two days on the road and two to three for business, So I'll see you next week. You know take an extra five for twenty thousand. Abel please don't get crazy. When did you become my Mother Bill? When I gave you two cards and said rack them, One for you one for me. Thirty and twenty. Got it Boss! Abel do get on your computer and try to track some shit down, please be some help. I don't mind you funning it up just get this done for me is all I ask.

Bill and Abel get ready and Bill packs his bag but just two bags. Bill threw his bags in the the truck and started on the road.                        

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