Saturday, February 27, 2016

Story time with Steve Presents: World War Fiebic

  Thanks for Reading ...........................

 W.W.F. part1 -The Devil is Bill Fiebic-

From: Pentagone time 8:21 A.m.
Arlington County, Virginia, the 9th of May 1982
Sen. James Bristol

Subject: Bill Fiebic
Age: Unknown to date, estimated 153-165 years old.
Place of birth: unknown believed to be born in Siberia.
Nick name: also know as the Russian.

Bill stand 6'5, 145 pounds skinny. Brown hair,beard, glasses, scare on the left side of his face, left eye is bionic,half of his right and his entire left arm are bionic. Tattoo on his left arm of the number 2783 no none origin or reasoning behind it. His left leg is bionic and a majority of his organs don't function as well as they should so he rests quite often.

We've come close to catching terrorist Fiebic in his resting state. Bill trembles and can look feeble at times when he needs to rest, but don't take him for weak. He will kill and with no mercy. We know he killed his own wife and child he has no conscience, and has killed thousands of people.

 He is directly responsible for the Friday the 13th bombing in August 1965. Bill is a super genius so don't be fooled by his actions or dim demeanor. If he can he will strike with deadly force, it is said he took out and army with his specialized weaponry. These weapons of  MASS DESTRUCTION are tooled by the genius Fiebic himself. We do not know how they work or what they can fully do. And that scares us. We need to capture him and his weapons. He is a terrorist and a threat to Liberty, Freedom and everything America stands for.

 What more can I say in this report. I as report this, I'm in shock. I have honestly cried when I read the number and brutal killings he has commented. And the atrocity this inhuman man has committed. When found and captured, I only pray to the lord that we do capture him. That no mercy is shown to him as he has to his victims.  Mostly his wife and child is what hit home the hardest for me. How he has been able to eluded us is a mystery. But we are talking about one of the world great geniuses. When tested he was tipping into 365 plus it could 400. There was nothing left to test him with.

 William "Bill" Fiebic is a monster. By all accounts and actions of him. I am a firm believer that the lord is real. For how could I not when the devil IS Bill Fiebic. God save us.
                                                                                             Sen. James Bristol

Able looks at Bill like he's retarded. Bill I would guess the fact that they can't ID you the way they used to would be a heaven sent. Plus I mean it's nice to think you can be low key and not worry about people bum rushing you. Like a say half the modern world?!

Yeah, that true Able. But why do they think I'm the Russian? I've met him, I worked for him, but it's like they combined us. My perfect parts and what ever he is. And a mix of how crazy we are. At the mentioning of the fact that Bill knows the Russian Able's mouth drops.

Able: "You know the Russian?" Bill just nods his head yes. "Well..?!"  said Abel Bill looked at him "Oh... what do you want to know?" Able: "EVERYTHING!!"

Bill looks at at a sign. "REST STOP NEXT EXIT 5 MILES NORTH" Bill: "Okay lets get to this rest stop up here and grab a nights rest, a few burgers and what ever else we need okay? And I'll tell you all about The Russian. Able now nods his head yes. Bill: gets about 25 burgers... oh...SOME ONES GOD... I LOVE BURGERS!! Yeah you do, SIR! Said Abel as they laugh. Okay so the Russian..

 I was in the Ukraine and it was 1920 I was chasing after this bastard. He was running me all over the place. Ukraine, Belarus to Moscow. When I tracked him to Moscow finally, I loved IT. Abel interrupts "Thrill of the chase!?" "Noooo" say's Bill; I love to travel and I could have chased him longer. I'd let him go, I was hoping it would go longer. I was doing my job. Just it went to fast. And Moscow is just fucking amazing. I love it.

"Spy stuff... coool." said Abel. "No, more like drinks and see new places,woman the life style. I wasn't aloud days off. I mean I'm always working and being called in at any time. So enjoy myself when I can.I mean, why the fuck not? I'm in fucking Moscow." Said Bill. Well I caught the bastard. He tells me like every shit head scum sucking waist of human flesh. "I'm so glad you caught me, I couldn't run anymore.." I looked at him and said. "Really cause I would let you. I was enjoying myself."

Took out my black jack and caved his face in. Bill stopped and starts eating 2 burgers at once, wile Abel still on his first, Abel gets annoyed by this."What about the Russian BILL!!?" "Oh yeah the Russian sorry Abel". Bill is as surprised as an 80 year old man woken up, in the middle of a story. When I was in Moscow now, I had taking care of target. I was going to leave. So I thought I was. I was stopped on my way to the into the room I was staying in. Two guys sitting in chairs in the hall way.

I walked into the room . He was sitting in a chair, he stood up and pointed to the other across from him. He spoke the most broken English you could have imaged. "please sit, sounded like pleez set."And no Russian accent. He stood about eight feet tall. He stood strong and powerful. Very broad, with this cocky, insane but smart look in his eyes. Oh side note Russian real eye color is red. Long bread longer, scull long-ishy, eye were deep in his scull, noise was large.

He went on to pore us each a vodka and soda. He told me I know why you are here. I know what you did. I know who it was. Bla bla bla bla... I'm the Russian. I'm all... WHAT!? He looks at me and says "Sure I am." I looked at him. And said. "You have no accent you speak broken English. I started to speak Russian now. And you look nothing like anyone else here. In fact! You look like a fucking alien. You look so weird......... He looks at me and laughs so hard he turned red in the face.

Bill now swallowing his burgs, grabs two more unwraps them. I looked at him. I said what are you? He told me It's been so long not even he remembers anymore. I said, "Well I'm give or take 130 something. How fucking old are you?"He looked at me and said. "2,000 years old." He continues. When he was old enough to follow my family, he would go search for food and things and he would make thing. Bowls, tools for making things.... houses. Yeah he is a primitive. He was around when Egypt was maybe before.

As he got older he learned that he would often have to deal with other tribes. Or families, not always good not always bad. He went on to tell me his father died and he became the leader of his family. He fathered his first child with his mother and his second with his sister. He also had a "wife" or his word for what ever he called his wife... but she could not give him a child. So she was still there but no good. She was an extra hand. He had a few kids over time.

He did well with his family, leading them and growing. His wife now passed after sickness. His Sister and Mother children, grandchildren. He enters his 30s now. And his kids raising families. He not looking very old at all still young. Taking on more "wives" having more kids. Still the leader if his family. His kids get old he there children his grandchildren now growing up.

He gets older in to his 40s More people die around him as he stays the same. More and more people join him or turn to him. He's old and wise he stays young, people follow him so they to can be young and stay alive. But he just doesn't do anything more then any other leader just more follow him. They turn to him. Because he never ages after 35 he honestly started to get some kind of god like status he told me. After he turned 65 people thought he was a god.

No one really lived that long and if they did they were grand elders. But that was people in there 40 late 40. He never aged he was stronge. He was thought of as a god. And he very intelligent so. That was a thing...

Abel reaction wasn't uncommon. He was speechless moth open wide and his eye's even wider. "WHAT THE FUCK!? Bill; "You asked me. And there's more I can tell you. I mean he spent a day telling me tell me." Abel; "Well what about the job?" Bill; "He back stabbed left me for dead. It's a long story.VERY long Abel." Abel " Oh I see it's hard to talk about, your uncomfortably.  Bill starting in on his fifth and sixth burgers. "No Abel it's fucking late and I'm hungry. I want to eat some more and go to fucking sleep don't you?" "Abel shook his head as he starting eating his third burger.

They both finished eat in the room they had rented and went to sleep.
                           Fade to black.

Next episode, The best part is wake up...  

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