Friday, February 5, 2016

Story time with Steve

        Story time with Steve

A personal story (there's no real story just felt like writing this) fuck who ever doesn't like or likes it. This is about two important people seeing how I suck at life. I probably  won't have any kids and I'm kind of okay with that. Seeing how so many guys I know who pay child support. And how people treat people (bitches with kids.... fuck a bitch. Yes I call woman bitches, what, you bitch about it? OH that's right I don't give a fuck!!!) CAUSE YOU......... A BITCH!!!
                  NOW BACK TO WHAT I WAS SAYIN
Now back to the lecture at hand. My Mom &Dad no one cares about them. No one will and I'm cool with that. They was (bad English on purpose) my Mom& Dad not yours. My Dad's name was Steve (like me ... I actually wish he hadn't named me after him (but that's another blog.). My Mom's name was Linda. I'm not going to tell you how they met...

I'm going to tell you I wish I played more games with them. Because they're gone now. I sit here in my apartment wishing I could play games with them. I'm not to sentimental (don't get me wrong) my parents were jerks. But at least I had jerk parents.

I wished I could have played D&D they'd probably throne holy water at it because D&D used to maybe still has this bs about the devil. I don't know why I was born in '83 so all that happened when I was a baby... But yeah I'd played some cool tabletop games with my Mom& Dad. Well we played Monopoly. I hate that game now... I'M OFF TOPIC..

I should have played more games just me my Mom& Dad (cause fuck the other 2 losers( my brothers). Because it would have been awesome, I could have had fun!!! Maybe Pathfinder or something?... I mean. FUCK I could have DM or GM.

So if you read this I hope you go play a game with someone you love. Me and my Mom would play games together and I watch baseball with her all the time. I played GTA IV with my Dad he liked watching it like my Mom none of the bad parts !!  But that's was it. I want a few more but I guess that is what it is. Right? I mean that's what happens you like something extra a few more games.What ever it is that you look for. But at least I got that.

I do miss my Mom& Dad my Dad die last year of cancer. My Mom died I think about 5 years ago now maybe 6. I can't remember the date don't think I want to. My Dad was rough like 50 or 60 years of smoking killed him. He started when he was 7,8 or 9. I don't know really he started smoke back when you could buy cigarettes for pennies. His grandfather would send him the cost 6 cents he get 9. Save money and buy them. Oh yeah that's what life was like back then.

So enough of this I hope after reading this maybe someone will play a game with there Mom& Dad. Or maybe just do something... Parents are fun they're nice to have when you have them.

My Dad I don't know when this the picture taken. This was the picture we used when he died. My Mom probably dressed him. And That's my Mom& Me. I'm 2 months old in that picture. The next day after it was taken my Mom found out her Father my Grandfather died.

So go have fun with your Mom& Dad. GO they'll be gone someday and you'll be like this sucks...!I say it everyday... :(

                Thanks for Reading............

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